Aleph Notes #8: AI and Evaluation
Asra Memon Asra Memon

Aleph Notes #8: AI and Evaluation

The rise of AI has sparked concerns about its potential to take control over processes and systems that are otherwise human-led. But AI can certainly be an ally in the field of impact evaluation.

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Aleph Notes #7: Culture as the 18th SDG?
Asra Memon Asra Memon

Aleph Notes #7: Culture as the 18th SDG?

Should ‘Culture’ be the 18th SDG? Or, would a standalone SDG for culture disincentivize the integration of culture within the other SGDs, or obscure recognition of culture’s contribution to those wider goals?

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Aleph Notes #6: Outcome Harvesting
Asra Memon Asra Memon

Aleph Notes #6: Outcome Harvesting

Outcome harvesting is a powerful tool when evaluating cultural programmes, particularly when rigid, quantitative techniques do not accurately capture impact.

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Aleph Notes #3: Intangible Cultural Heritage
jonathan rider jonathan rider

Aleph Notes #3: Intangible Cultural Heritage

Intangible Cultural Heritage is particularly vulnerable at times of conflict or upheaval. Mapping and documentation are critical first steps in safeguarding unique cultural assets during crises.

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