Media Freedom

We strengthen media and information literacy through targeted in-country research and consumer feedback.

Image: Lalage Snow

What and why? 

Media freedom and information literacy are essential for informed, empowered, and democratic societies. Media freedom provides access to diverse information, enabling informed decisions, fostering accountability, and promoting transparency. Information literacy equips individuals to discern credible sources from misinformation, empowering effective navigation of the information landscape. In an era of fake news and disinformation, information literacy is vital for recognizing and countering false information. These elements strengthen democracy, bridge societal divides, contribute to development, and safeguard human rights. In an interconnected world, media freedom and information literacy connect people globally, fostering engagement in international issues. These pillars are fundamental for building knowledgeable communities equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

What we do

Aleph conducts research for media development programmes - whether developing impact measurement systems or evaluating projects. Our growing portfolio of media and information projects has taken us to Europe,  South America, the Middle East and Eastern and Southern Africa and Asia. We engage with audiences, content producers / creators, broadcasters, policy makers and stakeholders to generate actionable insights for programme delivery.