Aleph Strategies was engaged by the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan to conduct a multi-day training workshop in Kabul to prepare for a forthcoming strategy design period. There were three main objectives of the workshop:

  • To deepen participants’ understanding of the principles and practices that underpin ToC approaches in programme design and overall community development;

  • To expose participants to existing tools, to facilitate the use of ToC in development planning, implementation and project/programme evaluations;

  • To develop a time-bound actionable ToC guideline.

The workshop comprised a mixture of formal presentations, discursive sessions, and participatory exercises and games. The workshop provided an introduction to basic terms and theories, and explained the relevance and importance of ToC, particularly with regards to programme design and M&E. Theory of Change was explained as both a product and a process. The schedule was intentionally ambitious in scope, in order to provide participants with a full ‘walk through’ of the ToC process from start to finish. The workshop itself was intended as a ‘training of trainers’ course, to provide participants with the knowledge and tools to be able to lead ToC processes within SCA.



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